Limitations of Conventional Temporary Pacing Leads
Conventional temporary pacing leads can cause serious complications such as cardiac perforation and valve embolization. In addition, loss of pace capture due to lead instability prevents patient mobilization, delaying post-procedural ambulation and physical rehabilitation.
Cardiac perforation and/or tamponade**
Dislodgment/loss of
pace capture***

The Tempo Lead Advantages
The Tempo Lead's unique design delivers safe, secure pacing and allows patients to ambulate sooner after procedures.
In over 12,000 US Tempo Lead placements there have been only five reported cardiac perforations****
Dislodgment and/or
loss of pace capture****

Rethink the Temporary Pacing Lead:
Innovation Designed to Eliminate Complications and Reduce Costs
* Nazif TM et al., The initial U.S. experience with the Tempo active fixation temporary pacing lead in structural heart interventions. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2019;1–6
** Metkus, et al. Chest. 2019; Lopez, et al. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004; Betts, Postgrad Med J. 2003; Jowett, et al. Postgrad Med J. 1989
*** Austin, et al. Am J Cardiol. 1982; Gammage, Heart 2000; Lumia et al. Chest 1973
**** Company data on file as of October 2021

A New Standard of Care for Temporary Pacing
Watch the Tempo Lead in action! The Tempo Lead’s unique design – featuring novel retractable stabilizer loops and a soft tip - virtually eliminates the risks of dislodgment and perforation, ensures stability during rapid pacing, and facilitates patient ambulation in recovery.